ASPRS Manual of Remote Sensing, Fourth Edition

The fourth edition of the ASPRS Manual of Remote Sensing is an “enhanced” electronic publication available online from ASPRS. This edition expands its scope from previous editions, focusing on new and updated material since the turn of the 21st Century. Stanley Morain (Editor-in-Chief), and co-editors Michael Renslow and Amelia Budge have compiled material provided by numerous contributors who are experts in various aspects of remote sensing technologies, data preservation practices, data access mechanisms, data processing and modeling techniques, societal benefits, and legal aspects such as space policies and space law. These topics are organized into nine chapters. MRS4 is unique from previous editions in that it is a “living” document that can be updated easily in years to come as new technologies and practices evolve. It also is designed to include animated illustrations and videos to further enhance the reader’s experience.

Contents © 2019 by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. All rights reserved.

Reproductions of this publication, or any parts thereof (excluding short quotations for use in the preparation of reviews and technical and scientific papers), may be made only after obtaining the specific approval of the publishers. The publisher is not responsible for any opinions or statements made in the technical papers.

When making reporting copies from this volume to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., please refer to the following code: ISBN 1-57083-103-3.

Table of Contents


Stanley A. Morain, Michael S. Renslow, and Amelia M. Budge


Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Radiation

Stanley A. Morain and Amelia M. Budge


Chapter 2: Sensors and Platforms

Charles K. Toth, Kenneth Jezek, Franz Meyer, Batuhan Osmanoglu, Stanley A. Morain and Amelia M. Budge


Chapter 3: Selected 21st Century Remote Sensing Technologies

Stanley A. Morain, Shizuo Yamamoto, Mihail C. Roco, Chad A. Mirkin, Mark C. Hersam, Yves Tourre, C. Vignolles and J-P. Lacaux


Chapter 4: Unmanned Aerial Systems for Low-Altitude Remote Sensing

Costas Armenakis, Brandon Stark, Brendan Smith, YangQuan Chen, Ravi A. Persad, Julien Li-Chee-Ming, Norbert Haala, Michael Cramer, Jeff L. Sloan and Jill J. Cress


Chapter 5: Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Remote Sensing Systems

Ayman Habib, Eija Honkavaara, Karsten Jacobsen, Ana Paula Kersting, Zahra Lari, Aparajithan Sampath, Ahmed Shaker and Wai Yeung Yan


Chapter 6: Archiving and Access Systems for Remote Sensing

John Faundeen, George Percivall, Shirley Baros, Peter Baumann, Peter Becker, J. Behnke, Karl Benedict, Lucio Colaiacomo, Liping Di, Chris Doescher, J. Dominguez, Roger Edberg, Mark Ferguson, Stephen Foreman, David Giaretta, Vivian B. Hutchison, Alex Ip, N.L. James, Siri Jodha S. Khalsa, B. Lazorchak, Adam Lewis, Fuqin Li, Leo Lymburner, C.S. Lynnes, Matt Martens, Rachel Melrose, Steve Morris, Norman Mueller, Vivek Navale, Kumar Navulur, D.J. Newman, Simon Oliver, Matthew Purss, H.K. Ramapriyan, Russ Rew, Michael Rosen, John Savickas, Joshua Sixsmith, Tom Sohre, David Thau, Paul Uhlir, Lan-Wei Wang and Jeff Young


Chapter 7: Image Processing and Analysis Methods

Sergio Bernardes, Marguerite Madden, Ike Astuti, Sergio Bernardes, Emilio Chuvieco, David Cotten, Philip E. Dennison, Iryna Dronova, Ioannis Gitas, Peng Gong, Belen Franch-Gras, Matt Hancher, Akira Hirano, Allison Howard, Xuefei Hu, Alfredo Huete, Thomas Jordan, Chris Justice, Rick L. Lawrence, Linlin Lu, Marguerite Madden, Deepak R. Mishra, Sachidananda Mishra, Tomoaki Miura, Giorgos Mountrakis, Mahesh Pal, Caren Remillard, Dar A. Roberts, Jean-Claude Roger, Kunwar K. Singh, Ben Somers, Dimitris Stavrakoudis, Wanxiao Sun, Guoqing Sun, David Thau, Laurent Tits, E. Lynn Usery, Eric Vermote, Cuizhen Wang, Mingshu Wang, Qihao Weng, Wenjing Xu, Tian Yao, Hiroki Yoshioka, Lei Zhang, Qingyuan Zhang and Zhi Zhang


Chapter 8: Societal Benefits - Methods and Examples for Estimating the Value of Remote Sensing Information

Richard Bernknopf, David Brookshire, Molly Macauley, Guy Jakeman, Yusuke Kuwayama, Holly Miller, Leslie Richardson and Alan Smart


Chapter 9: Space Policy and Space Law

Joanne Gabrynowicz, Karen D. Dacres, Kevin O'Connell, Kevin Pomfret and Timothy F. Robertson


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